MOMSLOVE mission is to help people heal emotional wounds and grow spiritually so they can love themselves and others unconditionally as Our Mother loves us. We teach skills for coping with difficult emotions, and as such fight the epidemics of addiction, self-harm, suicide and violence.
MOMSLOVE is spiritual empowerment community that emphasizes developing ones intuition to connect with the divine and offers a template for self-rescue during a crisis, and teaches emotional resiliency skills to rescue ourselves from perpetual patterns of infringement: such as avoidance, addictions, alcoholism, promiscuity, self-harm, suicide, and other self-sabotaging behaviors that take us off our true path. Difficulty processing painful emotions can lead someone to disconnect from their feelings and thereby shut them off to their own innate intuition and guidance. MOMSLOVE main message is that by learning to handle all emotions in stride, we can each expect to get relief from emotional and psychological pain, achieve better clarity in our decisions, improve our behaviors and the outcomes in our lives.
The root of all suffering is in our perception and experience of emotions. By shifting our perspective on painful emotions and developing discipline by practicing tools to navigate them safely, we are enabled to not only pull ourselves out of our most challenging emotions, it also allows us into tune with our true feelings thereby allowing us to live in our truth. Each of us are unique with lives only we have lived. Your emotions are a reflection of your life and experiences, and of your true nature. Burying our emotions to try to cope with life’s challenges removes us from the path to our inner wisdom. It is only through learning from and being changed by our emotional experiences that true spiritual growth can occur.
By helping people understand their emotions MOMSLOVE seeks to further their connection with their bodies, intuition and thereby enhance their spiritual development. It is MOMSLOVE’s greatest mission to enable understanding of ourselves and each other to unleash waves of unconditional and radical love to set the foundation for achieving world peace, unity and a harmonic and healthy balance between nature, animals and all people.
Leave behind old patterns by learning MOMSLOVE mind-body skills to experience and release negative emotions; how to comfort yourself through this process.
Connect to the meaning in your life, grow in your ability to listen to your body and intuition, enhance your spiritual gifts while connecting to others like you.